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Genesis Default Code Genesis Child Part 3 - Genesis Framework

Genesis Default means you will Set Default for your child theme. Like setting up images, number of posts per page, citation content, layout, paging menu.

Code Genesis Child
Code Genesis Child 1

Function.php file

Let's open the file function.php genesis child theme, let's start with the hook genesis_theme_settings_defaults Default setting in the installation of Genesis Framework.

  // Updates theme settings on reset.  add_filter( 'genesis_theme_settings_defaults', 'genesis_child_theme_defaults' );  function genesis_child_theme_defaults( $defaults ) {    	$defaults('blog_cat_num')              = 5;  	$defaults('content_archive')           = 'full';  	$defaults('content_archive_limit')     = 380;  	$defaults('content_archive_thumbnail') = 1;  	$defaults('image_alignment')           = 'alignleft';  	$defaults('image_size')                = 'thumbnail';  	$defaults('posts_nav')                 = 'prev-next';  	$defaults('site_layout')               = 'content-sidebar';    	return $defaults;    }  
  Genesis Default Thiết lập mặc định khi kích hoạt update  
  // Updates theme settings on activation.  add_action( 'after_switch_theme', 'genesis_child_theme_setting_defaults' );  function genesis_child_theme_setting_defaults() {    	if( function_exists( 'genesis_update_settings' ) ) {    		genesis_update_settings( array(  			'blog_cat_num'              => 5,  			'content_archive'           => 'full',  			'content_archive_limit'     => 380,  			'content_archive_thumbnail' => 1,  			'image_alignment'           => 'alignleft',  			'image_size'                => 'thumbnail',  			'posts_nav'                 => 'prev-next',  			'site_layout'               => 'content-sidebar',  		) );    	}    	update_option( 'posts_per_page', 5 );    }  


So Genesis Default has been set, this value works for us to customize the default according to the mind. If you do not like the changes can be reset to default easily quickly.

I hope you find this guide helpful. If so, consider sharing it with your audience!


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