In the previous article, you completed a Genesis Child using the Genesis Framework hooks and extension functions. In this article, let's continue to use the Genesis Framework itself to create Responsive. We will go straight to the main point, you can refer to here Genesis Responsive Menu
Create a folder containing responsive jquery
Open your child themes folder, create a sub-folder assets and folder js lies in it. Next you create the file named responsive-menus.min.js Copy the below jquery and save it.
Responsive-menus.min.js File
/** * This script adds the accessibility-ready responsive menus Genesis Framework child themes. * * @author StudioPress * @link * @version 1.1.2 * @license GPL-2.0+ */ var genesisMenuParams = typeof genesis_responsive_menu === 'undefined' ? '' : genesis_responsive_menu, genesisMenusUnchecked = genesisMenuParams.menuClasses, genesisMenus = {}, menusToCombine = (); ( function ( document, $, undefined ) { 'use strict'; // Make our menus unique if there's more than one instance on the page. /** * Validate the menus passed by the theme with what's being loaded on the page, * and pass the new and accurate information to our new data. * @param {genesisMenusUnchecked} Raw data from the localized script in the theme. * @return {array} genesisMenus array gets populated with updated data. * @return {array} menusToCombine array gets populated with relevant data. */ $.each( genesisMenusUnchecked, function( group ) { // Mirror our group object to populate. genesisMenus(group) = (); // Loop through each instance of the specified menu on the page. $.each( this, function( key, value ) { var menuString = value, $menu = $(value); // If there is more than one instance, append the index and update array. if ( $menu.length > 1 ) { $.each( $menu, function( key, value ) { var newString = menuString + '-' + key; $(this).addClass( newString.replace('.','') ); genesisMenus(group).push( newString ); if ( 'combine' === group ) { menusToCombine.push( newString ); } }); } else if ( $menu.length == 1 ) { genesisMenus(group).push( menuString ); if ( 'combine' === group ) { menusToCombine.push( menuString ); } } }); }); // Make sure there is something to use for the 'others' array. if ( typeof genesisMenus.others == 'undefined' ) { genesisMenus.others = (); } // If there's only one menu on the page for combining, push it to the 'others' array and nullify our 'combine' variable. if ( menusToCombine.length == 1 ) { genesisMenus.others.push( menusToCombine(0) ); genesisMenus.combine = null; menusToCombine = null; } var genesisMenu = {}, mainMenuButtonClass = 'menu-toggle', subMenuButtonClass = 'sub-menu-toggle', responsiveMenuClass = 'genesis-responsive-menu'; // Initialize. genesisMenu.init = function() { // Exit early if there are no menus to do anything. if ( $( _getAllMenusArray() ).length == 0 ) { return; } var menuIconClass = typeof genesisMenuParams.menuIconClass !== 'undefined' ? genesisMenuParams.menuIconClass : 'dashicons-before dashicons-menu', subMenuIconClass = typeof genesisMenuParams.subMenuIconClass !== 'undefined' ? genesisMenuParams.subMenuIconClass : 'dashicons-before dashicons-arrow-down-alt2', toggleButtons = { menu : $( '', { 'class' : mainMenuButtonClass, 'aria-expanded' : false, 'aria-pressed' : false, 'role' : 'button' } ) .append( genesisMenuParams.mainMenu ), submenu : $( '', { 'class' : subMenuButtonClass, 'aria-expanded' : false, 'aria-pressed' : false, 'role' : 'button' } ) .append( $( '', { 'class' : 'screen-reader-text', 'text' : genesisMenuParams.subMenu } ) ) }; // Add the responsive menu class to the active menus. _addResponsiveMenuClass(); // Add the main nav button to the primary menu, or exit the plugin. _addMenuButtons( toggleButtons ); // Setup additional classes. $( '.' + mainMenuButtonClass ).addClass( menuIconClass ); $( '.' + subMenuButtonClass ).addClass( subMenuIconClass ); $( '.' + mainMenuButtonClass ).on( 'click.genesisMenu-mainbutton', _mainmenuToggle ).each( _addClassID ); $( '.' + subMenuButtonClass ).on( 'click.genesisMenu-subbutton', _submenuToggle ); $( window ).on( 'resize.genesisMenu', _doResize ).triggerHandler( 'resize.genesisMenu' ); }; /** * Add menu toggle button to appropriate menus. * @param {toggleButtons} Object of menu buttons to use for toggles. */ function _addMenuButtons( toggleButtons ) { // Apply sub menu toggle to each sub-menu found in the menuList. $( _getMenuSelectorString( genesisMenus ) ).find( '.sub-menu' ).before( toggleButtons.submenu ); if ( menusToCombine !== null ) { var menusToToggle = genesisMenus.others.concat( menusToCombine(0) ); // Only add menu button the primary menu and navs NOT in the combine variable. $( _getMenuSelectorString( menusToToggle ) ).before( ); } else { // Apply the main menu toggle to all menus in the list. $( _getMenuSelectorString( genesisMenus.others ) ).before( ); } } /** * Add the responsive menu class. */ function _addResponsiveMenuClass() { $( _getMenuSelectorString( genesisMenus ) ).addClass( responsiveMenuClass ); } /** * Execute our responsive menu functions on window resizing. */ function _doResize() { var buttons = $( 'button(id^="genesis-mobile-")' ).attr( 'id' ); if ( typeof buttons === 'undefined' ) { return; } _maybeClose( buttons ); _superfishToggle( buttons ); _changeSkipLink( buttons ); _combineMenus( buttons ); } /** * Add the nav- class of the related navigation menu as * an ID to associated button (helps target specific buttons outside of context). */ function _addClassID() { var $this = $( this ), nav = $ 'nav' ), id = 'class'; $this.attr( 'id', 'genesis-mobile-' + $( nav ).attr( id ).match( /nav-w*b/ ) ); } /** * Combine our menus if the mobile menu is visible. * @params buttons */ function _combineMenus( buttons ){ // Exit early if there are no menus to combine. if ( menusToCombine == null ) { return; } // Split up the menus to combine based on order of appearance in the array. var primaryMenu = menusToCombine(0), combinedMenus = $( menusToCombine ).filter( function(index) { if ( index > 0 ) { return index; } }); // If the responsive menu is active, append items in 'combinedMenus' object to the 'primaryMenu' object. if ( 'none' !== _getDisplayValue( buttons ) ) { $.each( combinedMenus, function( key, value ) { $(value).find( '.menu > li' ).addClass( 'moved-item-' + value.replace( '.','' ) ).appendTo( primaryMenu + ' ul.genesis-nav-menu' ); }); $( _getMenuSelectorString( combinedMenus ) ).hide(); } else { $( _getMenuSelectorString( combinedMenus ) ).show(); $.each( combinedMenus, function( key, value ) { $( '.moved-item-' + value.replace( '.','' ) ).appendTo( value + ' ul.genesis-nav-menu' ).removeClass( 'moved-item-' + value.replace( '.','' ) ); }); } } /** * Action to happen when the main menu button is clicked. */ function _mainmenuToggle() { var $this = $( this ); _toggleAria( $this, 'aria-pressed' ); _toggleAria( $this, 'aria-expanded' ); $this.toggleClass( 'activated' ); $ 'nav' ).slideToggle( 'fast' ); } /** * Action for submenu toggles. */ function _submenuToggle() { var $this = $( this ), others = $this.closest( '.menu-item' ).siblings(); _toggleAria( $this, 'aria-pressed' ); _toggleAria( $this, 'aria-expanded' ); $this.toggleClass( 'activated' ); $ '.sub-menu' ).slideToggle( 'fast' ); others.find( '.' + subMenuButtonClass ).removeClass( 'activated' ).attr( 'aria-pressed', 'false' ); others.find( '.sub-menu' ).slideUp( 'fast' ); } /** * Activate/deactivate superfish. * @params buttons */ function _superfishToggle( buttons ) { var _superfish = $( '.' + responsiveMenuClass + ' .js-superfish' ), $args = 'destroy'; if ( typeof _superfish.superfish !== 'function' ) { return; } if ( 'none' === _getDisplayValue( buttons ) ) { $args = { 'delay': 100, 'animation': {'opacity': 'show', 'height': 'show'}, 'dropShadows': false, 'speed': 'fast' }; } _superfish.superfish( $args ); } /** * Modify skip link to match mobile buttons. * @param buttons */ function _changeSkipLink( buttons ) { // Start with an empty array. var menuToggleList = _getAllMenusArray(); // Exit out if there are no menu items to update. if ( ! $( menuToggleList ).length > 0 ) { return; } $.each( menuToggleList, function ( key, value ) { var newValue = value.replace( '.', '' ), startLink = 'genesis-' + newValue, endLink = 'genesis-mobile-' + newValue; if ( 'none' == _getDisplayValue( buttons ) ) { startLink = 'genesis-mobile-' + newValue; endLink = 'genesis-' + newValue; } var $item = $( '.genesis-skip-link a(href="#' + startLink + '")' ); if ( menusToCombine !== null && value !== menusToCombine(0) ) { $item.toggleClass( 'skip-link-hidden' ); } if ( $item.length > 0 ) { var link = $item.attr( 'href' ); link = link.replace( startLink, endLink ); $item.attr( 'href', link ); } else { return; } }); } /** * Close all the menu toggles if buttons are hidden. * @param buttons */ function _maybeClose( buttons ) { if ( 'none' !== _getDisplayValue( buttons ) ) { return true; } $( '.' + mainMenuButtonClass + ', .' + responsiveMenuClass + ' .sub-menu-toggle' ) .removeClass( 'activated' ) .attr( 'aria-expanded', false ) .attr( 'aria-pressed', false ); $( '.' + responsiveMenuClass + ', ' + responsiveMenuClass + ' .sub-menu' ) .attr( 'style', '' ); } /** * Generic function to get the display value of an element. * @param {id} $id ID to check * @return {string} CSS value of display property */ function _getDisplayValue( $id ) { var element = document.getElementById( $id ), style = window.getComputedStyle( element ); return style.getPropertyValue( 'display' ); } /** * Toggle aria attributes. * @param {button} $this passed through * @param {aria-xx} attribute aria attribute to toggle * @return {bool} from _ariaReturn */ function _toggleAria( $this, attribute ) { $this.attr( attribute, function( index, value ) { return 'false' === value; }); } /** * Helper function to return a comma separated string of menu selectors. * @param {itemArray} Array of menu items to loop through. * @param {ignoreSecondary} boolean of whether to ignore the 'secondary' menu item. * @return {string} Comma-separated string. */ function _getMenuSelectorString( itemArray ) { var itemString = $.map( itemArray, function( value, key ) { return value; }); return itemString.join( ',' ); } /** * Helper function to return a group array of all the menus in * both the 'others' and 'combine' arrays. * @return {array} Array of all menu items as class selectors. */ function _getAllMenusArray() { // Start with an empty array. var menuList = (); // If there are menus in the 'menusToCombine' array, add them to 'menuList'. if ( menusToCombine !== null ) { $.each( menusToCombine, function( key, value ) { menuList.push( value.valueOf() ); }); } // Add menus in the 'others' array to 'menuList'. $.each( genesisMenus.others, function( key, value ) { menuList.push( value.valueOf() ); }); if ( menuList.length > 0 ) { return menuList; } else { return null; } } $(document).ready(function () { if ( _getAllMenusArray() !== null ) { genesisMenu.init(); } }); })( document, jQuery );
Function.php File
Use hook wp_enqueue_scripts to add Google font, dashicons, responsive menus.
// Enqueue required fonts, scripts, and styles. add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'genesis_child_enqueue_scripts' ); function genesis_child_enqueue_scripts() { wp_enqueue_style( 'dashicons' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'google-fonts', '//,400|Raleway:400,500,900', array(), CHILD_THEME_VERSION ); $suffix = ( defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ) ? '' : '.min'; wp_enqueue_script( 'genesis_child-responsive-menu', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/responsive-menus' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery' ), CHILD_THEME_VERSION, true ); wp_localize_script( 'genesis_child-responsive-menu', 'genesis_responsive_menu', genesis_child_responsive_menu_settings() ); } // Define our responsive menu settings. function genesis_child_responsive_menu_settings() { $settings = array( 'mainMenu' => __( 'Menu', 'genesis_child' ), 'subMenu' => __( 'Submenu', 'genesis_child' ), 'menuClasses' => array( 'combine' => array( '.nav-primary', '.nav-secondary', ), ), ); return $settings; }
Style.css File
So you've added Responsive successfully, now we proceed Css for the menu.
/* Responsive Menu --------------------------------------------- */ .menu .menu-item:focus { position: static; } .menu .menu-item > a:focus + ul.sub-menu, .menu .menu-item.sfHover > ul.sub-menu { left: auto; opacity: 1; } .genesis-responsive-menu { display: none; position: relative; } .genesis-responsive-menu .genesis-nav-menu .menu-item:hover > .sub-menu { display: none; } .menu-toggle, .sub-menu-toggle { background-color: transparent; border-width: 0; color: #333; display: block; margin: 0 auto; overflow: hidden; text-align: center; visibility: visible; } .menu-toggle:focus, .menu-toggle:hover, .sub-menu-toggle:focus, .sub-menu-toggle:hover { background-color: transparent; border-width: 0; color: #0073e5; } .menu-toggle { line-height: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-top: 10px; padding: 15px 0; position: relative; z-index: 1000; } .menu-toggle.activated::before { content: "f335"; } .site-header .menu-toggle::before { float: left; margin-right: 5px; position: relative; text-rendering: auto; top: 1px; } .sub-menu-toggle { float: right; padding: 9px 10px; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; z-index: 100; } .sub-menu .sub-menu-toggle { padding: 12px 10px; } .sub-menu-toggle::before { display: inline-block; text-rendering: auto; transform: rotate(0); transition: transform 0.25s ease-in-out; } .sub-menu-toggle.activated::before { transform: rotate(180deg); } /* Media Queries ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ @media only screen and (min-width: 960px) { /* Genesis Menu --------------------------------------------- */ .genesis-nav-menu .menu-item { display: inline-block; } .genesis-nav-menu .menu-item:focus, .genesis-nav-menu .menu-item:hover { position: relative; } .genesis-nav-menu > .menu-bold > a { font-weight: 700; } .genesis-nav-menu > .menu-highlight > a { background-color: #333; border-radius: 3px; color: #fff; font-weight: 600; margin-left: 15px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; } .genesis-nav-menu > .menu-highlight > a:focus, .genesis-nav-menu > .menu-highlight > a:hover { background-color: #0073e5; } .genesis-nav-menu .sub-menu, .genesis-nav-menu .sub-menu a { width: 180px; } .genesis-nav-menu .sub-menu { border-top: 1px solid #eee; opacity: 0; padding-left: 0; position: absolute; transition: opacity 0.4s ease-in-out; } .genesis-nav-menu .sub-menu a { border: 1px solid #eee; border-top: 0; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-top: 15px; } .genesis-nav-menu .sub-menu .sub-menu { margin: -46px 0 0 179px; } /* Responsive Menu --------------------------------------------- */ .genesis-responsive-menu { display: block; padding-top: 15px; } .menu-toggle, .sub-menu-toggle { display: none; visibility: hidden; } /* Header Menu --------------------------------------------- */ .nav-primary { clear: none; width: auto; } .nav-primary .genesis-nav-menu a { padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 960px) { .genesis-nav-menu .menu-item { display: unset; text-align: left; } }
Wraps, closed article to create beautiful Menus Responsive on Genesis Chid.
I hope you find this guide helpful. If so, consider sharing it with your audience!