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How to display drafts in WordPress admin panel

How to display drafts in WordPress admin panelWordPress has a lot to offer in terms of flexibility. Through the use of plugins, custom settings, you can easily streamline your website maintenance process. This includes quick, easy access to saved drafts.

Content productivity issues, accessing drafts on your side quickly save time.

Below, I will show you how to display drafts in WordPress admin panel. This is a simple function that eliminates one or two steps when editing, updating or publishing saved content.

Use Quick Drafts Access

Today, I will demonstrate the plugin, Quick Drafts Access. This is a convenient tool that only adds new functionality to the same page post at WordPress.

In a multi-author environment, it will only show the draft to the user. This means that the author cannot access the content of others.

Install, activate, Quick Drafts Access.


Now, Quick Drafts Access has no settings to adjust. It is simply an add-on to the post then the page provides quick access.

Hover your mouse over the article to access your draft draft.


As you can see, there are two new options: 1 draft with me and 1 option with all drafts. Because I am the administrator on this website, I have access to every draft created. However, I was able to choose my own draft article.

Because this tool will only display drafts on the user's side, the role of the author side doesn't have to worry about accidentally working on posts on others' side.

Hover over the page to access the draft.


Due to the site-side nature of WordPress, very few people should have access to create this draft. Usually, it depends on the role of administrator or editor.

It is unlikely that any author or collaborator will create the site. Of course, you are always given roles and custom user rights to change this.

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Other plugins to consider

As noted, this is a simple plugin to provide quick access to WordPress drafts. But what if you want to do more with the draft on your website? Here are a few other plugins that you should consider to help increase engagement, improve efficiency.

Draft List


The Draft List provides the same functionality as the tool I mentioned above. However, it also adds support to display the list of upcoming posts on your website. Using custom shortcodes, you let visitors know what you're working on.

It will help inspire the return.

Draft Notify


Draft Notify is a simple tool when an author creates a new work. You have a plugin set to email specific addresses when anyone creates a new draft post or saves a revision.

This way, you are notified of any new developments on the multi-author website on your side.

User Submitted Posts


User Submitted Posts are great plugins for user content. It basically provides you with a way for guests to create draft posts to your website. In other words, visitors help create content that is not publishable.

Because all of this is saved as a draft, only administrators and editors have access to user-generated content.

Keep the website effective

Sometimes the simplest tool improves optimization and productivity. Thanks to so much support for WordPress, finding plugins that provide better access to WordPress drafts is relatively easy.

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