How to manage file downloads with WordPress Download Manager – Managing file downloads is sometimes a difficult task. There are several great ways to accomplish this. You use something like WooCommerce to manage file downloads or you just use WordPress and then manage the file using the WordPress Download manager.
Today, I will show you how to use the WordPress Download manager to manage the entire WordPress download file.
WordPress Download manager
This method is best for users who want a download manager dedicated to their website. WordPress Download Manager lets you manage both free and paid file downloads.
First of all you need to do is install and activate WordPress Download Manager.
Once you have installed the WordPress plugin activation, you will automatically see a thank you to WordPress Download Manager. It will look like this:
From here or anywhere else on the website, you want to click Download> Add new to add a new download file.
Provide the same description as the download, then click the “Select File” button on the right to add the downloaded file.
Once you've done that, go ahead and scroll down to the “Package Settings” section. This section lets you set different settings to download files. Fill in what you see fit.
Next, click on the “Lock Options” tab and then you will set different rules to restrict file downloads. By default, you find that the plugin lets you set a rule and then set a download limit with the user agreeing to the terms, password lock, or recaptcha key.
Finally, when finished as you like, click the icon tab to select the icon to display next to the download file.
When all is done to your liking, go ahead and publish the post.
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Add a WordPress download file to the page or post
The WordPress Download Manager plugin makes it easy to add a WordPress download file to any post or page on your website. All you have to do is clcik go to Download> All files and then copy the shortcode listed next to the file you just added.
Get the short code you've just copied and pasted it into any post or WordPress content where you want to show the file download button and make it available.
When you're done, click on the publish, update and then access the post directly to see what it looks like. This is where you will see the built-in digital file.
Note: The WordPress download manager also lets you add paid WordPress download files to your website. To do this, you need to click Download> Add-ons with location Premium Package – WordPress Digital Store Solution Add-on, then install and activate it.
Once the package has been installed, you will select the checkout process and the remaining steps are identical. However, you will now be able to add prices to your downloads and make them available for purchase.
Hope this article helped you see an easy way to manage WordPress file downloads.