How to use Advanced Custom Field advanced for newbies – Launched as a content editor for WordPress developers, the advanced custom plugin (ACF) may seem intimidating to some people unfamiliar with what the plugin does. However, don't worry, here we have gathered an advanced Advanced Custom Field guide to show everything you want to know.
Although we will mention some non-code methods for displaying Advanced Custom Field on your website, you need help from the developer if those solutions without the code are not flexible enough for you.
What does the Advanced Custom Field plugin do?
Advanced Advanced Field helps you gather additional information about your content at the WordPress editor.
WordPress is a flexible, open source platform, so you will be able to create any website you want, with different functionality for things like e-commerce, events, etc.
The WordPress visual editor has great tools from editing rich content to media formats.
However, sometimes developers can make it more intuitive for specific use cases.
The problem is that customizing the WordPress content editor often requires careful formatting and editing of potential code.
Advanced Advanced Field Custom eases this process by allowing you to edit the content editor, standardize the way you collect and display certain information.
Helps to easily update content in style
Once your website is developed and ready to launch, most of your side management process includes making small changes.
For example, a general corporate adjustment is to change the title or background on the homepage with announcements and sales. Text changes in the title area are common.
Sometimes it's all business owners do with the website regularly!
That's fine, but working with WordPress helps you realize how intuitive the editor is. Backspace is wrong, you are removing the text format. Uploaded image is wrong then you are likely to make the whole homepage look like junk.
Standardize the display of repetitive content
Repeated action also ensures the use of ACF.
For example, movie review website.
Let's say each review on your side asks you to enter the production company, year of release, and film rating.
Or you have a simple movie review, describing your rating.
This is done in the WordPress editor, but it would be nice to keep the same format at the post. Also, having the same field to adjust will cut down the download process by a few clicks instead of having to type everything in.
Instructions on how to use Advanced Custom Field advanced editing
The first thing to do is to download the Advanced Custom Field plugin. See our guide on installing and activating WordPress plugins if you need any help.
We perform advanced Advanced Custom Field tutorials with thousands of examples.
However, we will use the example of running a movie review website.
For each new review, we want to show the following data:
- Release year
- Studio
- Movie rating
Keep reading to see how this works.
Step 1: Create a new field group
School groups are a custom set of fields.
All the areas we plan to have on the movie review website are in the same category, so it makes sense to put them in the same category.
To create a new set of fields, go to Advanced Custom Field on WordPress.
On the new screen, click the new add button.
The following screen will look scary, but you usually only need to change a few factors. You can also test them to see how they work on your website.
For now, name your field team something like movie review data.
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Step 2: Add the fields to your party group
Now it's time to add the personalized Advanced Custom Field.
Click the blue button to add a field.
This opens up a long form that is a bit different, but easy to grasp after one or two uses.
Start by entering the field tag. For this tutorial, we are using the release year.
It is used to place the result at the same coded form. That will be used by the developer on your side.
Choose your school type. For this case, we're choosing the text field type, but you have dozens of options from images to checkboxes and accordions.
The entire field type has different options, but here are some of the fields you fill in with the text field type:
- School guide – you want to remind your writer to type only four digits.
- Required – You have set this field to request before publishing.
- Default value – This is useful if you want the value to always be displayed, even if left blank.
- Placeholder text – This is shown in the input field when the writer is in the editor.
- Character limits – You don't want writers to surpass certain characters.
That's not the whole field on it, but none of these fields is required. So it's best to check them yourself. Additionally, you see other options depending on the type of field.
Step 3: Add more fields to the group
After saving the first studio, it's time to add the studio to the film ratings school with us.
Fortunately, it is the same process!
Just go back to the group of fields, click add fields, then name them.
The production company field is nothing special, but it takes advantage of the tools to rank movies.
Field Type is a number.
We have also been assigned a school guide to evaluate the quality of this film from 1 to 10.
We will then mark the minimum value as 1, the maximum value of 10, and the step size of 1.
Step 4: Set field position
Now it's time to configure the location and how to display the field on the website.
Go to the Places panel.
This requires rules about where the school will appear.
If you are using a custom post type, you also associate your custom field group with the custom post type.
In Settings, you have the opportunity to design how the field displays on your WordPress editor.
Basically, this section helps you customize your own side design interface.
For example:
- Location – There is an option to display the field above or below the editor.
- Style – Consider ordering a school at metabox.
- Hide on screen – Delete a panel you do not need.
Step 5: Display the Advanced Custom Field information on the front of the website
Now, when you have added some custom field data in the WordPress editor, you need a way to display that information on the front of the website.
As discussed earlier, a developer must be hired to get custom school results side by side on the frontend. However, there are few beginner-friendly solutions.
- Use the shortcode to display the ACF field in the editor.
- Find page build plugins with support to display ACF fields.
- Place shortcodes with field in reusable block group.
The first option involves the use of ACF shortcodes. The plugin has no shortcode generator, so you will have to use the following format:
This only works for text-based fields, you must replace field_name with the field name on your side.
For example, you find the school name at your school list.
After that, just take a moment to add the field name to that shortcode in the editor.
Make sure your field data is filled in the article.
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Bạn cũng tìm thấy trình tạo trang mà bạn được phép hiển thị trường ACF tại trình chỉnh sửa. Ví dụ: Elementor Pro ( đánh giá bên chúng tôi ), Divi , Beaver Builder + Beaver Themer cùng vài tùy chọn khác được phép làm điều này.
Giải pháp tuyệt vời khác là tạo khối tại trình chỉnh sửa, đặt shortcode vào đó, sau đó lưu nó thành khối tái sử dụng để sử dụng ở tương lai.
Bước 6: Nếu vẫn thất bại, hãy gửi nó cho nhà phát triển bên bạn để hiển thị trên website
Nếu phương pháp không có mã ở trên không làm điều đó giúp bạn, tùy chọn tiếp theo bên bạn là gửi nó đến nhà phát triển WordPress, việc này không mất nhiều thời gian.
Về cơ bản, toàn bộ nhà phát triển đang làm là thêm chút mã tại tệp mẫu bên bạn hoặc là tệp bài đăng duy nhất.
Do đó, chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên tìm nhà phát triển có uy tín để giúp giải quyết vấn đề này.
Với Advanced Custom Field nâng cao, bạn sử dụng được WordPress theo những kiểu mới, thú vị. Nếu bạn muốn mở rộng thêm website bên mình, bạn tìm hiểu việc tạo loại bài đăng tùy chỉnh rồi sau đó thêm trường tùy chỉnh vào loại bài đăng mới đó.
Nếu có bất kỳ câu hỏi nào về trường tùy chỉnh nâng cao bên chúng tôi, hãy hỏi tại phần bình luận.