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Instructions for opening an account and depositing money to Tickmill -

In recent times, Tickmill is probably one of the names mentioned in many traders, especially Vietnamese traders. Having been on the market for less than 5 years, but what Tickmill achieved also made many other brokers wary.

Forex floor This is also one of the few brokers with a license from FCA and CySEC, two leading management agencies in the world, besides, Tickmill is also involved in Compensation program for investors, therefore, in terms of reliability, Tickmill is completely reputable, the investor's trading account will be secured.

Tickmill offers a wide range of accounts, allowing forex, CFD trading on metals, commodities, indices and even bonds on the most popular platform today. MT4 software, enabling traders to gain access to almost all financial markets in the world.

In this article, we will show you how Open a trading account and deposit and withdraw money at Tickmill in the most detailed way, but before going into the main content, you can refer to the article. Tickmill floor review to know the trading conditions as well as other issues related to this forex platform.

Part 1: Open a trading account at Tickmill

Normally, at forex brokers, the process of opening a trading account can be divided into the following 4 basic steps:

  • Step 1: Open a manager account / personal area account
  • Step 2: Verify identity
  • Step 3: Open a trading account
  • Step 4: Set up a trading account

Step 1: Open a manager account / personal area account.

First, click the button below for quick access to the website of Tickmill website.

Open a TickMill account

The homepage of the website will appear as follows:

The default of the website will be English language, to switch to Vietnamese, click on the box English in the top right corner of the screen and then select Vietnamese.

To open an account, click on the box Create Account, a registration form will appear as shown below and you proceed to enter the information required.

Here, you select the country of residence and language is Vietnam, customer type is Individual, select titles (Male: Mr, Female: Mrs / Ms).

  • Name: enter your first and middle name
  • Phone: enter the full phone number, keeping the first 0 intact
  • Enter your email and confirm your email.
  • Click in the box “I have carefully read and understood the Privacy Policy of Tickmill Ltd.”

Note: all information entered in Vietnamese without diacritical marks.

Click the button Proceed to step 2 to continue the account signup process.

After that, you continue to complete the information according to each content as shown below. Click each dropdown arrow to enter or select the information for each item.

  • Personal address: enter your address (must match the address on the documents you use to verify your identity) and Zip code (postal code), this code you can look up on Google .
  • Tax code: this content you do not need to fill out.
  • Authentication: if you only have one nationality is Vietnam, in this part, you only need to select the answer “No” for the question “Are you a US citizen for tax purposes?”. If you have another nationality, click Additional citizenship and then choose your second nationality.

  • Personal information: select information about your current education and job.
  • Financial experience: choose your income and the target that you participate in forex market.
  • Transaction knowledge and experience: reply Yes or No for questions related to your trading experience.

  • Introducing broker: enter IB code if you are referred by someone else, otherwise leave it blank.
  • Client area password: create a password for the management account. Password must be at least 8 characters, including uppercase, lowercase letters and numbers.
  • Confirm: click on all the boxes in this content as shown above.

After completing all the information, click Open an account.

At this time, the screen will display a notice that you have successfully opened an account and ask you to activate the account at the link that was sent to your registration email.

After activation, Tickmill's homepage will appear, enter your email and password to log into your management account.

The homepage of the management account has the following interface:

Before verifying your identity, Tickmill will not allow you to do any work on the homepage, this is also one of the security policies for investors' accounts.

Step 2: Verify identity

To verify your identity, you need to prepare the following two documents:

  • Authenticated document: is one of the following documents: ID card, Passport (Passport), Driver's license or ID card.
  • Address verification documents: can be bank statements, utility bills, internet, tax returns or other financial documents, as long as there is full information about full name, name and address as at You have registered with the floor. Note: These papers must have a duration not exceeding 180 days.

At the section Accuracy, first, you click on the box Browser To select an image from your computer, after selecting it, press the button Upload next to the document to upload. Do the same for the part Proof of address. With authentic documents, you need to upload both front and back, the image must be clear and full of 4 corners.

The time to verify your account is usually 48 hours, so faster, you can message support staff on Livechat to shorten the time (up to 24 hours).

After the document is verified, you log into the homepage of the management account with the email and password that you created earlier. The interface of the homepage will appear as follows:

Step 3: Open a trading account

At the homepage, click the button Open a new account marked as shown above. Then the screen will appear as follows:

Here, you select the parameters for the trading account including account type, account currency and leverage ratio. If introduced from an IB of a broker, you enter that person's IB code, otherwise leave it There is no IB introduction. After selecting all the information, press the button Create.

Then, forex will send you an email containing the login information of the trading account such as account number, server name, account password, investor password, you use the information. This is for logging into the MT4 platform.

So you have opened a successful trading account. To open more accounts, you just need to do the same.

Step 4: Set up a trading account

To set up a trading account, click on the item Setting at the bottom of each account as shown below:

To change the password of the trading account, click the box Change MT4 password. In case you missed the email attached to your trading account login information, then you choose Reset MT4 password Let the floor resend the new password to you via email and you can proceed to change your other password of your choice.

Here, you can also change the investor's password (used to log in to the account but can only read the account without making any transactions, usually for consultants, the personal finance specialist) and leverage changes.

The steps to change trading account password and investor password are similar.

  • Change trading account password

Here, you enter the old password (the password that the floor has sent you via email), enter the new password, confirm a new password and then click Change the password is done.

  • Change leverage ratio

To change the leverage for a trading account, all you need to do is select the new lever, then click Change leverage is to be.

  • Change manager account password

At the home page, click on your account name, then select Change the password as shown below:

Enter the old password, new password, confirm a new password, and then press Change the password is that you have completed the password change for the manager account.

So we have completed all the steps to open a new trading account at Tickmill. To start trading, you must make a deposit to your account and the content of the next section, we will guide you how to deposit and withdraw money at Tickmill.

Part 2: Instructions to deposit and withdraw money at Tickmill.


To add money to your account, on the home page, click on the item Recharge on the left Menu bar, or click the box Recharge at the end of each trading account as shown above.

First, choose the trading account to deposit, then choose the form of deposit.

Tickmill provides many forms of deposit and withdrawal for investors. In the framework of this article, we will guide you to deposit and withdraw money in 3 popular ways, namely Visa / Master cards, Skrill E-wallet (Skrill and Neteller are quite similar, so we only choose one form) and Payment Gateway.

First enter the deposit amount for the account, Tickmill requires a deposit of at least $ 100, then click on the box. “I have read all instructions and agree …” then press the button To send.

Next, enter the card's information, including card number, cardholder name, expiry month and year, CVV code, all of which is on your card. When done, press Pay.

At this point, the bank will send to your phone a 6-digit OTP confirmation code. You enter that code into the box as shown above and click Confirm is done.

First, you also enter the amount to deposit, click the box ” I already read….” Then press the button To send.

Next, enter your email and password to log into the Skrill wallet and press the button Se Connecter to complete the transaction.

  • payment gateway

Here, you enter the amount to top up, confirm your email account amount, click the box ” I already read…” then press To send.

With payment gateway, you can choose many different forms, however, we will guide you to pay online by ATM card. To recharge by ATM card, select the box Online via domestic bank, then select the bank where you open the account.

At this time, the bank requires you to confirm your personal information, if there is nothing to modify then press the button Continue to make a deposit.

Here, enter your bank account information, including card number, cardholder's name, issue date and security code, then press Continue. The bank will send to the phone an OTP verification code similar to the form of Visa / Master cards, enter the OTP code in the box as shown below and then press Pay to complete the deposit transaction.


Tickmill stipulates that investors can deposit money in any form. To make a withdrawal, on the home page of your manager account, select the item Withdrawal on the Menu bar or click in the box Withdrawal At the end of each trading account as shown below:

After that, the system will ask you to select the trading account to withdraw, choose the same form as the deposit time.

In this section, we will also guide you to withdraw money in 3 forms: Visa / Master cards, Skrill e-wallet and Payment Gateway.

Here, you enter the amount you want to withdraw, Tickmill requires a minimum withdrawal amount for once is $ 25, click on the box “I have read it all …” then press To send.

After that, the system will display the information of the card that you used when recharging to confirm and complete the transaction.

Enter the amount you want to withdraw and the email address of your Skrill wallet account, click the box ” I already read….” then press the button To send.

The system will ask you to confirm the information again, confirm the transaction will complete.

  • payment gateway

At the payment method box, you can choose one of the following methods: withdraw money to your wallet, withdraw via ATM card or bank account. Here we choose the method of bank account.

The information required includes the account number, branch name and area code selection, then click on the box ” I already read….” and press the button To send is done.

So we showed you how to open a new trading account and the process of depositing and withdrawing money at Tickmill. Hopefully through this article, you can do it successfully. Another very important step to be able to trade in the market is to download the MT4 or MT5 trading software. You can refer to the following article to complete the preparation process to participate in the forex market.

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Author: Tin Nguyen

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