How to create a WooCommerce Website with Total Theme – Total is a versatile, modern WordPress theme created right here at WPExplorer. This interface has great features for you to create any website you need – online websites, news websites more. Really everything happens – you are only limited by the imagination. WooCommerce support interface, you can create your own online website. Get ready to learn more about this great interface!
Download TOTAL WordPress Theme
To download the theme, log in to the ThemeForest account, then access the account profile. Then click the download link. This is where you will find all ThemeForest purchases with you. Locate the total, click the download button, and then select only the WordPress file to install.
This will download the installer master zip file.
Install TOTAL WordPress Theme
Log in to your WordPress website and navigate to the theme> Theme
Then click the option to upload interface.
Next browse for the zipped interface file you downloaded.
Once WordPress has unzipped and installed the interface, just click to activate it.
Now navigate to Interface> Theme to activate General.
Download sample data
Before downloading sample data, you must choose Skins Theme. Select the interface, go to Interface panel> Theme and activate the interface.
Click the link below to download sample data.
Enter sample data
Once you've located the XML file you want to import, log into your WordPress website and navigate to Tools> Import to begin the import process.
Click on the WordPress option. If you haven't already, you will be prompted to install the free WordPress plugin WordPress importer. Just install it like any other plugin, then activate it will return to this screen.
Then click the Browse button to select the XML sample data file you want to upload, then click Upload file and then import. Next you will see the following screen.
The importer will give you the option to import demo users with us or assign posts to existing users on your WordPress website. For each option, it is recommended to assign the post to the current user (ideally, the user account on your side, since you are a person working on the website).
Click submit to enter sample data. Once completed, you will see a notice of successful import.
See more: WordPress maintenance plugin
Identify your WooCommerce Website page
At WooCommerce, you must declare your website, this page will use the recent product display but will also be used in the link on the interface. To define the page, you first need to create a standard page (if you haven't already), then go to WooCommerce -> Settings, then click the Products tab, then on the sub-tab Show images where you are. will find drop down option.
Create a WooCommerce Website page
At WooCommerce, you must declare your website online, this page will be used to display recent products on your side but also in the link on the interface. To define your site, you first need to create a standard page (if you have not already done so), then go to WooCommerce> Settings, then click the product tab next at the Display sub-tab where you will find drop down option.
To create a shop page for you, this page will be used to display recent products by you, visit Products then click the Add Product tab.
This way, you add all of your products. After adding the product, the website looks like this
Add sidebar to website
To add a sidebar at the website, go to Pages> Shop> WooCommerce> Page Settings
Your website will now look like this.
Change the WooCommerce column
Total WordPress theme includes support for integration with the WooCommerce plugin, so it also includes the option to easily change the number of columns displayed with your products on the website, related, cross-selling, and selling. Just log into WordPress and then go to Appearance> Customize> WooCommerce to make edits on your side.
Columns in website & categories
To change the column on the main website, category / product tag, click the Archive tab in the WooCommerce customization section and then change the “Shop Columns” setting.
Sale columns and related items
To change the number of columns and items displayed with WooCommerce Up-Sells and related items, click the menu tab at custom WooCommerce settings and here you will make your modifications.
Thus, Total WordPress Theme has the ability to help any online seller to set up and run his business easily and professionally. In addition, for those seeking additional functionality, the Total WordPress Theme does not disappoint.
The total number of WordPress Themes has appeared over time, creating extensions and plugins including WooCommerce. They have an excellent track record of reliability and are extremely professional with both their products and support systems.