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Social Share Buttons Code Genesis Child Themes Part 8

Adding sharing links to social networks makes your site more popular. For users who are more comfortable with users who do not have to copy & pate.
We have had the article to create Social Share Buttons above all themes but Do not use the plugin. In this Code Genesis Child Themes series, you continue to code. Social Share without using plugin, no jquery.

Function.php file

Copy the code below pate into the file function.php your child themes to create share link buttons on social networks.

 // Create Social Share Buttons . if ( ! function_exists( 'socialshare_buttons' ) ): add_action( 'genesis_entry_footer', 'socialshare_buttons', 18 ); function socialshare_buttons() { 	if( is_single( ) ) { 		// Get current page URL  		$longvietURL = urlencode(get_permalink());  		// Get current page title 		$longvietTitle = htmlspecialchars(urlencode(html_entity_decode(get_the_title(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); 		 		// Get Post Thumbnail for pinterest 		$longvietThumbnail = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'full' );  		// Construct sharing URL without using any script 		$twitterURL = ''.$longvietTitle.'&url='.$longvietURL; 		$facebookURL = ''.$longvietURL; 		$bufferURL = ''.$longvietURL.'&text='.$longvietTitle; 		$linkedInURL = ''.$longvietURL.'&title='.$longvietTitle; 		$pinterestURL = ''.$longvietURL.'&media='.$longvietThumbnail(0).'&description='.$longvietTitle;  		// Add sharing button at the end of page/page content 		$content=''; 		echo $content; 	} } endif; 

Style.css file

Copy the css code below the pate at the end of the file style.css.

 /* Social share button */  .longviet-social {     margin: 10px 0px;     padding: 10px;     -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;     font-size: 12px;     border: 1px solid #eee; }  .longviet-link {     padding: 4px 8px !important;     color: #fff !important;     font-size: 12px;     border-radius: 2px;     margin-right: 2px;     cursor: pointer;     margin-top: 2px;     display: inline-block;     text-decoration: none; }  .social-title h5 {     padding: 0px !important;     margin: 0 !important; }   .longviet-link:hover,.longviet-link:active {     color: white; }   .longviet-twitter {     background: #00aced; }   .longviet-twitter:hover,.longviet-twitter:active {     background: #0084b4; }   .longviet-facebook {     background: #3B5997; }   .longviet-facebook:hover,.longviet-facebook:active {     background: #2d4372; }   .longviet-buffer {     background: #444; }   .longviet-buffer:hover,.longviet-buffer:active {     background: #222; }   .longviet-pinterest {     background: #bd081c; }   .longviet-pinterest:hover,.longviet-pinterest:active {     background: #bd081c; }   .longviet-linkedin {     background: #0074A1; }   .longviet-linkedin:hover,.longviet-linkedin:active {     background: #006288; } 


I hope you find this guide helpful. If so, consider sharing it with your audience!


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